• 800 West State Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • Main : (801) 451-4100
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Sheriff's Dashboard

View our dashboard regarding jail demographics, booking information, criminal history, and more

Visit Site

We provide community safety, facility security, and ensure the health and well-being of staff and inmates. We are committed to providing individuals in our care and custody a productive period of confinement that gives them hope and builds positive life skills.

In a typical year, we have a daily population of approximately 800 inmates.

Under the authority of the Sheriff, our operations are subject to careful oversight and compliance with the Utah Sheriffs’ Association Jail Standards. Our Correctional Facility is inspected annually to ensure the standards are being met, and additional oversight is provided by the Utah Department of Corrections, U.S. Marshals Service, Davis County Health Department Environmental Health Services, medical authorities, and state and local Fire Marshals.

Utah Sheriffs’ Association Jail Standards Jail FAQ Inmate Information

Inmate Roster

Information specific to individuals currently in our care and custody is available on the Inmate Roster.

Inmate Services

Davis County Sheriff's Office contracts with several vendors to provide services to inmates and their loved ones. Due to the fact that the services are contracted, it is important to thoroughly review vendor options to ensure the service you select is included in our contract with them.

All financial transactions must be paid at the kiosk, by mail*, or online: Team3.InmateCanteen.com

*Mail payments can only be made via money order, cashier’s check, business checks from other agencies or from the inmate’s employer. Personal checks are NOT accepted.  

Deposit Money or Post Bail Video Visits, and Inmate Phones Inmate Info

Medical Observation Unit

estimated completion date: early 2022

The Medical Observation Unit will replace the Correctional Facility's current medical wing and will include the following features:
  • enhanced care and response to medical and mental health needs
  • capacity to serve 23–26 individuals (four times the current capacity)
  • ability to isolate and treat inmates with communicable diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, COVID-19, etc.)
Medical Wing Birds View Medical Wing Parking Lot View

Our Programs

Davis County Correctional Facility is committed to providing individuals in our care and custody a productive period of confinement that gives them hope and builds positive life skills. Other religious entities interested in providing services are invited to contact us: 801-451-4200.

inmate programs


Davis County Correctional Facility collaborates with several community partners to provide opportunities and programs designed to build and maintain positive life skills. Subject matters and offerings include: 

  • High School
  • Cognitive Restructuring
  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Parenting
  • Anger Management
  • Communications/Conflict Resolution
  • Budget/Employment Skills
  • Coping Skills
  • Self-Reliance
  • Basic Life Skills
  • Computer Coding
  • Various Religious Services
  • Prevention—violence and substance abuse

We also offer Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) to individuals court ordered for treatment.

Davis County Correctional Facility offers a variety of religious services to include: 

  • Catholic
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Institute
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services
  • Tree Of Life
  • Washington Heights Church

Other religious entities interested in providing services are invited to contact us: 801-451-4200.

    The Ankle Monitor Program is an alternative to incarceration for non-violent offenders that holds them accountable while allowing them to remain in the community, maintain employment, participate in necessary treatment, and be with their loved ones. Most importantly, this program gives individuals a better chance to succeed.

    Individuals in the Ankle Monitor Program are court ordered and, depending on their crime, may be required to provide a daily or as-needed urinalysis at the Davis County Work Center. Participants may work in the community or, in lieu of jail time, may gain skills assisting Davis County Facilities employees with grounds and building maintenance. 

    In addition to maximizing the offender’s opportunity for success, the program is cost effective for the taxpayer and the participant. 

    For more information, call 801-451-4200, during regular business hours.

    Virtual Tour - Intake

    View inside an intake holding cell. Multiple cells are available to hold newly processed inmates whose behavior precludes them from being seated in the intake waiting area. Arrestees are then asked various questions to ascertain their medical and mental health status. All personal belongings are inventoried, photographs and fingerprints are taken, charges, and bail amount are processed. Telephones are available for inmates to make bail. If an inmate is not using the phone, they are required to be seated in the waiting area. If an inmate is unruly or disruptive, he/she will be placed into an intake holding cell. The inmate will be "dressed out" and taken to an appropriate housing unit. The "dress out" process consists of jail deputies taking the remaining street clothing the inmate is wearing and issuing jail clothing and basic toiletries. During the booking process, inmates are assigned a property locker. Their personal belongings are inventoried and kept secure in these lockers until the inmate is released.

    Virtual Tour - Jail

    chapel classroom Cell found in Pods 1, 2, and 3. Inmates are assigned to a housing unit based on their classification level. Levels of classification include; Minimum, Medium, Maximum, Administrative Segregation and Protective Custody. Cell found in Pods 4, 5, and 6.. Inmates are assigned to a housing unit based on their classification level. Levels of classification include; Minimum, Medium, Maximum, Administrative Segregation and Protective Custody. jail_dentist_office The jail kitchen prepares approximately 2200 meals a day for inmates. The jail kitchen also prepares approximately 500 meals a day for various Senior Centers and the Meals on Wheels program in Davis County. The jail kitchen prepares approximately 2200 meals a day for inmates. The jail kitchen also prepares approximately 500 meals a day for various Senior Centers and the Meals on Wheels program in Davis County. The jail kitchen prepares approximately 2200 meals a day for inmates. The jail kitchen also prepares approximately 500 meals a day for various Senior Centers and the Meals on Wheels program in Davis County.  En-route to Clothing Exchange-Clothing and bedding exchange is conducted once a week for all housing units. Clothing and bedding exchange consists of inmates turning in their dirty clothing and bedding for clean issue. Inmate workers work various shifts to ensure all clothing and bedding is washed, dried, and neatly folded for re-issue. The laundry room processes approximately 965,550 pounds of laundry each year. Inmates with medical issues or infectious diseases are housed separately in the medical housing unit.  Medical staff is on duty 24hrs a day. After being dressed out, inmates are screened by medical staff before being placed in general population. Sick call is conducted Monday through Friday for inmates with medical concerns. Inmates may participate in outside recreation daily (weather permitting for those units who do not have covered recreation courts). Inmates are able to play handball or perform basic calisthenics while on the recreation court. Dayrooms are large common areas where the inmates can watch T.V., play card or board games, talk on the telephones or have a visit on one of the visiting monitors. Dayrooms are large common areas where the inmates can watch T.V., play card or board games, talk on the telephones or have a visit on one of the visiting monitors. Visiting is conducted via video visitation. For visiting hours and rules go to the Jail FAQ section on the page.ay I visit an inmate?' question.


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