• 61 South Main Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm
  • Delinquent Property Taxes

    The following properties are listed by land serial number, owner of record as of the date Tax Notices were created, and amount of property taxes due for 2024. The amount due is as of December 23, 2024 and includes the penalty due as of this date.

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  • Sign up for Tax Notice

    The Davis County Treasurer now offers Electronic Tax Notice notification. If you sign up for Electronic Tax Notice notifications you will not receive a paper Tax Notice in the mail.

  • Property Search

    Davis County Property Search allows you to easily access properties, and tax information using a map based user interface.

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  • Pay Property Taxes

    For information regarding paying property taxes by telephone or online.

    Make Payment

Notice of Delinquent Property Taxes

 The following properties are listed by land serial number, owner of record as of the date Tax Notices were created, and amount of property taxes due for 2023. The amount due is as of December 15, 2023 and includes the penalty due as of this date. This listing is in accordance of Utah law, Utah Code Annotated, Title 59, Chapter 2, Part 13, Section 1332.5. If any property that is listed is related to or involved with any bankruptcy, the property is listed as information only and is not an attempt to collect the debt in violation of bankruptcy laws.

View Notice Property Listings

Important Notice

Davis County Treasurer encourages efforts to maintain critical government services AND to protect the health of the public and our employees. We encourage payment of property taxes on this website (see link below) or IVR payments at (877) 690-3729, Jurisdiction Code 5450. If you have questions, please call 801-451-3243. Thank you.

Due Date

Property Taxes are due NOVEMBER 30th at 5:00 PM.  If November 30th falls on a weekend, the due date is the following business day.  If November 30th is on Saturday, the due date is December 2nd. If November 30th is on Sunday, the due date is December 1st.  If the payment is mailed and postmarked on or before the due date, the payment is not late.  If tax payment are paid late, there is a penalty of the greater of $10 or 2.5% of the tax due for each parcel of property in accordance with Utah law (U.C.A. 59-2-1331).

About Us


The Davis County Treasurer is responsible for the collection and distribution of property taxes levied by all taxing entities in Davis County.  The Treasurer also manages the money of Davis County government in accordance with the Utah State Money Management Act.

Administrative Officers

  • Matt Brady

Tax Notice Address Change

Here you can fill out a form to change the address of where you want your Tax Notice to be sent.

Property Tax

The Davis County Treasurer collects property taxes for all fifteen cities in Davis County; for the Davis School District, Weber Basin Water, Bountiful Irrigation Water District, South Davis Water District, Hooper Water Irrigation District, South Weber Water District, Benchland Water District, Mosquito Abatement District, North Davis Fire District, South Davis Metro Fire Districts; North Davis Sewer District, Central Davis Sewer District, and South Davis Sewer District, South Davis Recreation District, and Davis County government. The property taxes for each of these entities is distributed to that entity on the 10th of the month following the month of collection.



For information regarding paying property taxes by telephone 801-451-3243 or online 

Make a Payment

County Funds

Investment of County Funds

The Treasurer manages Davis County funds in accordance with the Utah Money Management Act.  Nearly all funds held by the Treasurer are invested in the Public Treasurers Investment Fund, which is administered by the Utah State Treasurer's office.

How is Property Tax Calculated?

Ever wondered how your property tax is calculated in Utah? The Utah Association of Counties created a quick video to help explain your county's process.


The treasurer's office is required by law to notify you as the taxpayer/landowner what taxing entities receive your taxes. You will also notice there is a statement on the OUTSIDE of the FRONT COVER (above your address) which addresses this question. You can also verify whether or not your taxes have been paid by visiting the Davis County Treasurer website and clicking on "Tax Information Search" and putting in your land serial number (without dashes). Most mortgage companies use a third-party tax service to pay your taxes. If you have contacted your mortgage company and they say they have already paid your taxes, in reality they may have forwarded your tax payment to the third-party tax service and the tax service has not yet paid the county. The above website is updated daily, so your payment will show paid within 24 hours of Davis County's receipt of your payment.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Cards are accepted. You may also choose to pay by electronic check. You can get more information about this service without completing the transaction by going to the Davis County Online Property Tax Payments page.
This fee represents the charge for the credit card transaction. The fee does not come to Davis County. It is paid to the credit card company. In most credit card transactions the fee is paid for from the price of the goods or services. However, Davis County cannot afford to absorb this fee from taxes, nor are we willing to raise taxes in order to be able to pay the fee from higher taxes.
If you send your payment in after November 30 there will be a penalty of the greater of $10.00 or 2.5% of the tax due for each individual parcel. For any tax due of $400.00 or less, the penalty is $10.00. For over $400.00 the penalty is 2.5%. However, if the entire tax that was due IS PAID IN FULL on or before January 31 immediately following the date of delinquency the penalty will be reduced to the greater of $10.00 or 1% of the tax for each individual parcel. If the tax is not paid by January 31 of the year following the date the tax is due there will be interest effective January 1 following the original due date. The interest rate is set by Utah law, based on the Federal Funds discount rate as of January 1, with a minimum rate of 7.25% and a maximum rate of 10%.
The Davis County Treasurer no longer administers collection of motor vehicle fees for registration or renewal, effective July 1, 2002. The State Tax Commission, Motor Vehicle division, is responsible for collecting these fees. The telephone numbers for the State Tax Commission, Motor Vehicle division are: 1-800-DMV-UTAH (1-800-368-8824) or 297-7780 in the Salt Lake calling area. The Utah State DMV rented from Davis County at the old historic courthouse until October 2007, at which time they moved to 969 West Clark Lane, Farmington (just west of the Davis Justice complex and Farmington Bay Youth Center
Not necessarily. It is likely the appeal may still be pending. If you have questions, you can call the Controller office at 801-451-3331 to check on the status of your appeal.
Weber Basin Water is the repayment entity for the construction of the Weber Basin Water Project, built by the Bureau of Reclamation. This project was voted on and passed. The project is for reservoirs, pipelines and other infrastructure for water delivery in Davis, Weber, Morgan, and parts of Summit and Box Elder counties. This system is not only for secondary or irrigation water but for culinary/drinking water, also. The system benefits all taxpayers in these counties.
When you purchased the property you probably closed through a title company or escrow agency. Generally, the buyer is credited for the taxes from the seller from Jan. 1 to the date of closing and the buyer is responsible to pay the whole tax when due on Nov. 30th.  You should be able to verify the seller's portion of the tax credit on your closing documents or contact the company that handled the closing. If you did not use a third party to do the closing and you did not collect taxes from the seller you are responsible to pay the taxes.
Our current processor, Wells Fargo Bank, closed their Salt Lake City facility and moved the processing to Seattle, WA. This process saves Davis County taxpayers money because it is much more efficient than for Davis County Treasurer to process tens of thousands of payments for millions of dollars.  However, any correspondence or payments made without the original payment stub from the original Tax Notice, and all payments not paid in November of each year must be sent to: Davis County Treasurer P.O. Box 618 Farmington, UT 84025-0618.
Yes. You can get there by going to the Davis County Online Property Tax Payments page. Most major credit cards are accepted OR there is an electronic check option. With credit card payments there is a fee passed on to the payer. With the electronic check option there is no fee to the payer.
Most mortgage companies do not send tax payments directly to Davis County. Most of the mortgage companies use a third-party tax service. The mortgage companies send the taxes to the tax service, who then sends them to the county. It takes several days for the tax service companies to make sure the payments balance to the amounts due. Therefore, even though your taxes have been deducted from your escrow with the mortgage company, the taxes haven't been forwarded by the tax service company. The Davis County website updates tax payments within 24 hours of receipt of the payment.

Davis County offers two options for making property taxes monthly. THIS PROGRAM IS FOR PREPAYING TAXES. The two options are coupons or ACH (automatic financial institution) withdraws. With either option, payments start in January of the year taxes are due in November. The amount of the payment is 1/10th of the prior year total tax, rounded to the nearest dollar. There are nine payments, January through September. (There is no payment in October in order for all payments to show on the Tax Notice). With the coupon option, the payment shows due on the 5th of each month.

ACH PAYMENTS: With the ACH/automatic withdraw option, the taxpayer chooses either the 5th or 20th of the month. A Prepayment Authorization Form must be completed and sent to the Davis County Treasurer to enroll. The address is on the form.

>> Download Prepayment Authorization Form

The payments will be deducted from the designated account on the chosen date, January through September. (There is no payment in October in order for all payments to show on the Tax Notice). Those who participate in the ACH/automatic withdraw option will receive a PREPAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM on the bottom of the Tax Notice, instead of a payment stub.


The form will authorize the Davis County Treasurer to deduct the final balance of tax due on November 30 (or the due date if November 30 is on a weekend) AND start the prepayments the following January. The Prepayment Authorization Form discloses the amount of the final tax payment and the amount of the monthly payment for the next year.

COUPON PREPAYMENT: If you would like to participate in the coupon prepayment program, please contact the Davis County Treasurer. We will send you a coupon book that has nine (9) coupons for 1/10th of the prior year taxes. The coupons show due on the 5th of each month, January through September. The taxpayer is responsible to pay each of these payments. Please pay all prepayment coupons before October of the tax year in order to have all of the prepayments reflected on your Tax Notice which you receive before the end of October. A NEW COUPON BOOK FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE SAME ENVELOPE AS YOUR TAX NOTICE. If the new coupon book is not included please contact the Davis County Treasurer. If there is a balance of tax due you will need to pay this amount before the tax deadline (November 30, unless November 30 is on a weekend. If November 30 is on a weekend, the tax deadline is the next business day after November 30). If your prepayments paid the taxes for the year you should have received a refund check in the mail.


Property taxes are due November 30 each year. However, if November 30 is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the next business day following November 30 (i.e. If November 30 is on a Saturday, the due date would be December 2; If November 30 is on a Sunday, the due date would be December 1. Davis County and other counties in Utah only have one payment date each year, unlike some other states that have multiple due dates. Online and IVR tax payments are delinquent after 5:00 p.m. on the due date deadline.
Each year's property tax payment covers the calendar year in which the taxes are due. For example, taxes due November 30 cover taxes from January 1 through December 31.
Tax payments that are mailed must be postmarked on or before the tax deadline. For example, if the deadline is November 30, tax payments postmarked on or before November 30 are considered paid on time.

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