
Protecting County Land Corners Since 1855.The Surveyor's Office is the public records steward of survey records for Davis County. This includes all maps of survey, road records, subdivisions, condominiums, partitions, and property line adjustments. The Surveyor’s Office ensures conformity with state law and local ordinances prior to filing of maps and plats. We restore and maintain government corners, perform geodetic surveys, and provide professional support and guidance to the public on surveying matters.

Tie Sheets, Distance and Bearing Sheets, Previous Surveys

Tie Sheets, Distance and Bearing Sheets and previous surveys can be obtained by calling the Surveyor's Department. Another option would be to contact our Information Systems Department to subscribe and get access to our REDI Application which contains all of the information from the Surveyor's Department and Recorder's Department. The number for IS is 801-451-3347.

Fee Schedule

Filing a Survey: $40.00 (per mylar) 
Copies of Surveys: $4.00
Tie Sheets: $0.50

Contact Us

Phone Numbers
(801) 451-3290

Physical Address
Davis County Admin Building
61 S Main Street, Suite 107
Farmington, Utah 84025

Mailing Address
Davis County Surveyor
P.O. Box 618
Farmington, Utah 84025

Surveyor FAQ

Refer to the Utah Supreme Court ruling regarding fences used as boundary lines at the following link: Staker vs. Ainsworth

Supreme court ruling in relation to acquiescence link:

No. State Statue prohibits the Davis county Surveyor's Office from performing private surveys, except by court order.
All 50 states have laws requiring a Licensed Land Surveyor(LLS) to assume the legal responsibility of a land survey. The Licensed Surveyor is a highly specialized individual, whose education, experience, and competence have been formally examined and licensed by the State of Utah. Their conduct and the quality of their work are subject to a defined code of ethics. 
No. An engineer cannot perform survey work unless he/she is also licensed as a land surveyor. 
No. A contractor cannot perform survey work unless he/she is also licensed as a land surveyor. 
Recommendations by attorneys, real estate companies, and title companies are good sources. You may contact the Utah Council of Land Surveyors, or check the classified section of the telephone directory under "Surveyor-Land" (Land Surveyors must be licensed, according to Utah Law). 
No. Utah State Law does not require a survey to convey property. 
No. Competency and responsibility are more important. Low cost and high qualities are frequently inconsistent. Uncertainties are involved in judging the amount of work necessary to produce a quality product. It is not in your best interest to have the surveyor "bid" on a project. 
Not usually. The final cost will depend on the work required to research records, survey existing field evidence, perform the required office computations, generate a plat, and monument your corners. 
Yes. A surveyor is qualified by law to prepare descriptions for newly created parcels of land, and may also prepare individual lot descriptions. When two or more lots are created, your surveyor will know the specific platting rules and procedures for each county. 
Yes. Land surveyors can layout streets, sanitary sewers and storm sewers within a subdivision. The surveyor can recommend an engineer to design the water supply system and perform all other engineering services that will be required. A professional land surveyor will not attempt any aspects of engineering, which he/she is not qualified to perform. 
No. Surveyors do not provide proof of ownership, but make a professional judgement of what the records and facts indicated your ownership to be. 
You should provide an explanation of the purpose of the survey. Confidentiality will be maintained if requested. You should supply a deed, mortgage description, or abstract of title (not the tax description). If you are aware of a stone, iron pipe, fence post, etc., assumed to be a property corner, supply that information also. Your surveyor will make the professional judgement as to what evidence should be used. 
Your yearly tax notice will provide you with the book and page number (also known as a TAX ID) of your record deed. A copy of your Warranty Deed can be obtained from the County Recorder's Office. Your tax notice has an abbreviated property description and must be compared to your record document. 
The surveyor's final product may vary with each survey. Generally, you will be furnished with a certified plat or map showing what the surveyor has done and the corners monumented or otherwise identified. A description of the tract will be prepared and shown on the plat. 
Beginning in April of 1987, Utah law requires that surveys be filed in the County Surveyor's Office. Your survey should be on file if it was performed by a licensed surveyor. 
The surveyor has ninety days to file a survey with the Davis County Surveyor's Office. 
The "Elevation Certificate" (EC) is a FEMA form. Go to .  EC must be completed and sealed by a registered surveyor or engineer when the flood plain has a Base Flood Elevation (BFE). 
464. Davis county: Beginning at a point in the middle of the channel of Weber river where crossed by the summit line of the Wasatch range, thence westerly down the middle of said channel to a point north of the northwest corner of Kingston's fort; thence west to the east shore of Great Salt Lake; thence southwesterly along and to the middle point of a straight line running between said point on the east shore and a point on the west shore of said lake at latitude forty-one degrees north; thence southeasterly along a straight line running between Black Rock on the southern shore of said lake and said middle point of said line, to the base line of the United States survey; thence northeasterly and equidistant between Antelope Island and the south shore of said lake to a point west of the mouth of Jordan river on the west line of range one west; thence east to the mouth of Jordan river; thence southeasterly up the middle of the channel of Jordan river to a point west of a point one hundred and thirty-six rods north of the Hot Spring in the northern part of Salt Lake City; thence east to the summit of the spur range terminating at said Hot Spring; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned summit to its intersection with, and thence northerly along, the summit of the Wasatch range to the point of beginning.

Filing Requirements

  1. Surveys must show the following:
    • The location of the survey by quarter section and township and range.
    • Date of survey.
    • The scale of drawing and north point.
    • The distance and course of all lines traced or established, giving the basis of bearing, the distance and course to a section corner or quarter corner, including township and range, or an identified monument within a recorded subdivision.
    • All measured bearings, angles, and distances separately indicated from those of record.
    • A written boundary description of property surveyed.
    • All monuments set and their relation to older monuments found.
    • A detailed description of monuments found and monuments set, indicated separately.
    • The surveyor's seal or stamp.
    • The surveyor's business name and address.

  2. The map shall contain a written narrative that explains and identifies:
    • The purpose of survey.
    • The basis on which the lines were established.
    • The found monuments and deed elements that controlled the established or re-established lines.
    • All subdivision plats must have a narrative attached for filing in the surveyor's office.

  3. If the narrative is a separate document, it shall contain:
    • The location of the survey by quarter section and by township and range.
    • The date of survey.
    • The surveyor's stamp or seal.
    • The surveyor's business name and address.

  4. The map and narrative shall be referenced to each other, if they are separate documents.

  5. The map and narrative shall be created on material of a permanent nature on stable base reproducible documents.

  6. The required size of a survey must be 18" x 24" or 24" x 36". All subdivision ​mylars received in the Davis County Recorder's office are 19" x 30", subdivisions filed in the surveyors office must be placed on a 24" x 36"​ mylar.


Meet the Team

Davis County SurveyorMax B. Elliott
Chief Deputy SurveyorKyle M. Corbridge
Field SurveyorBas Bouwmeester
Field SurveyorTodd Whitton
Administrative SecretaryLouise A. Miller
two men

General Requirements

View the Utah State Legislation Code for general requirements.

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