• 2024 Theme | Neon Nights

Moonlight Contests

Everyone is invited to participate in our costume contest, based on this years theme NEON NIGHTS! We will award the top 1st, and 2nd place winners! Riders may only enter into one category.

Untitled design (18)

Best Individual Costume

Best Individual Costume

1st Place Prize


2nd Place Prize


Untitled design (17)

Best Bike Decoration

Best Bike Decoration

1st Place Prize


2nd Place Prize



Best Group Costume

Best Group Costume

1st Place Prize


2nd Place Prize



Participants wanting to enter into one of the above contests must check-in by 8PM at the Chevron vendor booth and declare what category they want to enter. Each person is only allowed to participate in one category. You will be given a number to wear until the winners are announced. Our judges will be walking around the party and making notes on who their picks will be from 8:00-8:30pm. At 8:30, all contestants meet at the main stage for a fashion show catwalk for the crowd and allow judges to see everyone one last time before final voting. Winners will be announced at 8:30pm.

Contest check-in cut off is 8:00pm and will be strictly enforced. 

Pre-Party Entertainment

Everyone is invited to participate in our pre-party entertainment which includes; food trucks, vendor booths, music, and more!

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