Discover Davis, Utah’s Amusement Capital, is pleased to once again welcome you to the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival in beautiful northern Utah. Davis County is home to the Great Salt Lake, a major North/South migration route for more than 250 bird
species, making it one of the top places for birders to catch unique glimpses of our many feathered friends. Not only is Davis County a great place to find a variety of majestic birds, but it is also the ideal location for festival-goers to relax
after a long day of birding. From hotels to dining and shopping to grabbing a quick breakfast before your adventure-filled day, you are in good hands as you go and Discover Davis!
We are pleased to offer over 60 field trips and 11 workshops during this year’s festival. Our festival offerings are designed to create a unique experience with trips providing “behind the gates” access to areas that cannot be accessed
by the general public. Attendees will be able to experience some of Utah’s most beautiful State Parks, State Wildlife Areas, and National Refuge areas. Utah is known for its diverse habitats, which result in a variety of birds. Vast deserts,
high mountain peaks, rushing rivers, and of course, the saltiest lake in the country are sure to lure the most fascinating birds from all over the world!
Festival headquarters will be hosted at the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Wildlife Education Center at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area. Located on the edge of the Great Salt Lake, you’ll discover a birder’s paradise at
one of the most incredible natural locations in Utah. The festival will take place over the course of four days, along with pre and post-trips that will be available through festival partners. Field trips with provided transportation will meet at
this breathtaking spot before heading out to experience the Wasatch Front, or if you prefer to drive yourself, many opportunities will be available for you to meet your guide on location.
Not only will birders have the opportunity to attend our unique field trips, but also have the chance to sit down for a night, socialize, enjoy dinner, and listen to the keynote address at the Eccles Wildlife Education Center. Free educational workshops
will also be available for participants, and of course, our annual Family Day, where birders of all ages are invited to learn about birds, participate in hands-on activities, and even do some birdwatching of their own.
We hope you will join us in our 26th year for another memorable festival. Happy Birding!
*All events and schedules are subject to change based on health department policies and other unforeseen circumstances