• 61 South Main Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm


The annual Great Salt Lake Bird Festival first started in 1999 and has grown over the years to become the preferred birding festival in the region. Discover Davis, the tourism department for Davis County, Utah organizes this event with the help of a dedicated and passionate Committee that is made up of Utah birding experts. In addition, the Festival has many community partners that provide support and resources year after year.

Each year hundreds of attendees flock to the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival to experience one-of-a-kind field trips, participate in hands-on learning workshops, and enjoy opportunities to listen to world-renowned keynote speakers and expert field trip guides. But most importantly, for four days, a group of passionate birders get together and celebrate the beautiful array of birds that migrate to our region, while sharing unforgettable moments and experiences.  

At the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival you can expect to see hundreds of different species of birds, rare access to property and areas that are typically closed off to the public and to top it all off, attendees experience the beautiful outdoor playground Utah offers. The GSL Bird Festival’s utmost responsibility is respecting the habitat in which these wonderful creatures live, even if for some, it may only be a resting or pit stop as they head to their next destination. 

For ways on how you can be involved, including sponsorships, additional information or questions about the GSL Bird Festival, please contact: 

Discover Davis / Great Salt Lake Bird Festival

Event Manager: Kristal Blessett | 801-451-3286 | GSLbirdfest@daviscountyutah.gov


Festival Committee

The Great Salt Lake Bird Festival is hosted and planned by Discover Davis (Davis County Tourism and Events) with the help and guidance of expert local birders. Each year the Festival Committee volunteers dedicate many hours to planning and coordinating a top-rated experience for attendees. Thank you to our Committee for their dedication and passion for birding in Davis County, Utah and surrounding areas. The Festival's mission is to "increase awareness and conservation of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem through education and nature tourism."

Discover Davis Staff

Kristal Blessett and Susie Jones

Kristal Blessett (R) and Susie Jones (L) are the dynamic duo who spearhead the organization and planning of each year's festival.

Kristal Blessett, Discover Davis Tourism Event Manager, has been planning events for over 20 years and has led the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival since 2020. Each year, her love of the birding community grows and she enjoys learning more about our feathered friends. Growing up in Illinois, Kristal was always excited to see the bright flicker of red in the backyard from the northern cardinal and has fond memories of her grandmother painting and telling stories of blue jays.

Susie Jones, Discover Davis Tourism Events Coordinator, is a lifelong Utah girl with her roots deeply planted in this beautiful state. With a degree in horticulture from Utah State University, she has switched gears to event management and is excited for a new opportunity to assist with planning the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival. She loves learning new things and has added birding to her list. 


Volunteer Committee Members

Field Trip Guides

Adam Blundell

Field Trip Guide

Adam Brewerton

Field Trip Guide

Alexa West

Field Trip Guide

Amanda Holland

Field Trip Guide

Andrea Nelson

Field Trip Guide

Angie Branch

Field Trip Guide

Angie Trumbo

Field Trip Guide

Arnold Smith

Field Trip Guide

Audrey Horn

Field Trip Guide

Ben Johnson

Field Trip Guide

Beth Cottam

Field Trip Guide

Bryant Olsen

Field Trip Guide

Candice Burke

Field Trip Guide

Chris Butler

Field Trip Guide

Colin Maguire

Field Trip Guide

Connie Misket

Field Trip Guide

Connor Johnson

Field Trip Guide

Dallin Henderson

Field Trip Guide

Elizabeth Moon

Field Trip Guide

Esther Sumner

Field Trip Guide

Felicia Alvarez

Field Trip Guide

Georgie Corkery

Field Trip Guide

Heidi Chistensen

Field Trip Guide

Heidi Hoven

Field Trip Guide

Ian Batterman

Field Trip Guide

Ivan Richardson

Field Trip Guide

Jace Taylor

Field Trip Guide

Jaimi Butler

Field Trip Guide

Jake Dreyfous

Field Trip Guide

Janae Redke

Field Trip Guide

Jeff Bilsky

Field Trip Guide

Jennifer Wright

Field Trip Guide

Jess Taylor

Field Trip Guide

Jesse Watson

Field Trip Guide

Jim Parrish

Field Trip Guide

Jim Van Leeuwen

Field Trip Guide

John Luft

Field Trip Guide

Kate Sweet

Field Trip Guide

Kathy Donnell

Field Trip Guide

KC Childs

Field Trip Guide

Keeli Marvel

Field Trip Guide

Kenny Frisch

Field Trip Guide

Kim Lightbody

Field Trip Guide

Kirk Parkinson

Field Trip Guide

Kyle Stone

Field Trip Guide

Kylie Friedman

Field Trip Guide

Laura Cleveland

Field Trip Guide

Leah Waldner

Field Trip Guide

Logan Knaphus

Field Trip Guide

Marzena Blundell

Field Trip Guide

Max Malmquist

Field Trip Guide

Melissa Halvorsen

Field Trip Guide

Mike Hearell

Field Trip Guide

Mike Malmquist

Field Trip Guide

Miles Gilmore

Field Trip Guide

Nicholas Brown

Field Trip Guide

Quinn Diaz

Field Trip Guide

Rachel Lake

Field Trip Guide

Renata Vazquez

Field Trip Guide

Rhea Cone

Field Trip Guide

Rory Eggleston

Field Trip Guide

Russ Lawrence

Field Trip Guide

Sammy Riccio

Field Trip Guide

Sharee Harrison

Field Trip Guide

Stephanie Greenwood

Field Trip Guide

Susan Snyder

Field Trip Guide

Suzi Holt

Field Trip Guide

Taylor Abbott

Field Trip Guide

Tim Avery

Field Trip Guide

Tom Mathewson

Field Trip Guide

Tori Sohm

Field Trip Guide

Tori Thorpe

Field Trip Guide

Tully Frain

Field Trip Guide

Vivian Schneggen-burger

Field Trip Guide

Weston Smith

Field Trip Guide

Will Harrod

Field Trip Guide


Linking Communities


Great Salt Lake Bird Festival is "linked" to communities in Saskatchewan, Canada and San Blas, Mexico to protect an important shorebird migration route that passes through these areas. This tri-national effort, Linking Communities, has become a model for trying to conserve birds and habitat throughout the entire range of migratory birds.

Linking Communities



GSL WHSR Logo inverse

The Great Salt Lake is a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) Hemispheric site. What is a WHSRN site?  A WHSRN site is a site that has been labeled as an area of conservation importance for shorebirds. To become a hemispheric site within WHSRN there are four categories the site must have:

  1. Site/Landscapes of hemispheric importance with at least 500,000 shorebirds annually or 30% of a species’ biogeographic population: We have this number in one species alone, Wilson Phalarope
  2. Make Shorebird conservation a priority
  3. Protect and manage Shorebird habitat
  4. Keep WHSRN informed of any changes at the site
There are currently over 100 sites, in 13 countries, with more than 31 million acres of habitat being conserved.

Most of the GSL Bird Festival field trips visit Important Bird Area ( IBA) sites along the Great Salt Lake.
  What is an IBA and how do you become an IBA? The IBA program is a worldwide bird conservation program. The National Audubon Society is the responsible organization for IBAs in the United States. Important Bird Areas provide important habitats for one or more species or populations of birds. To be an IBA you have to have one of the following:

  • Species of conservation concern (e.g. threatened and endangered species).
  • Restricted ranges species (species vulnerable because they are not widely distributed).
  • Species that are vulnerable because their populations are concentrated in one general habitat type or biome.
  • Species, or groups of similar species (such as waterfowl or shorebirds), that are vulnerable because they occur at high densities due to their congregatory behavior.
  • Places that are IBA’s on or near the GSL: Bear River Bay, Cutler Reservoir, Deseret Land and Livestock, Farmington Bay, Gilbert Bay, Goshen Bay, Gunnison Bay, Ogden Bay, and Provo Bay.

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