• 61 South Main Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Utah County Birding

We will begin near the Warm Springs to search for Chukar and migrant warblers; shorebirds and Swainson's Hawks near Goshen; and then head to Goshen Canyon.


We will begin our trip near the Warm Springs where we hope to find Chukar and migrant warblers, look for shorebirds and Swainson's Hawks near Goshen, and then head to Goshen Canyon for Golden Eagle, Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Canyon Wren. We will continue along Elberta Slant Rd. looking for Long-billed Curlew, Burrowing Owl and Gray Vireo. We'll stop for lunch break in Eureka before continuing our search for migrants and montane species in the nearby Tintic Mountains. Time-permitting, we will look for Bobolink and waterfowl near Utah Lake.

Make sure to pack working binoculars, hiking shoes, sunscreen and/or hat, plenty of water, snacks, and a sack lunch or money to buy lunch. 


Trip #
Start & End Time
6:00 am - 4:00 pm
Meeting Location
Joshua Kreitzer and Chandler Kendall
Available Spots
Activity Level
Self Drive
Good For
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Target Species
waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, raptors, corvids, woodpeckers, flycatchers, vireos, swallows, shrikes, songbirds, galliformes

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