May 15-18, 2025! Schedule details and registration will be available in March 2025. See you there!
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Find adventure on Antelope Island State Park, or Lagoon. Enjoy endless shopping, teeing up at one of our 10 golf courses and much more when you Discover Davis.
61 South Main Street Farmington, Utah 84025
M - F 8am to 5pm
For a complete list of contacts please click below.
On this field trip we will bird in the Parleys Creek, Alexander Creek and Dell Creek drainages in the mountains east of Salt Lake City.
On this field trip we will bird in the Parleys Creek, Alexander Creek and Dell Creek drainages in the mountains east of Salt Lake City, on lands set aside as mitigation for construction of the Little Dell Dam and Reservoir in the 1990s. We will also scope the Reservoir itself. Likely species include Fox Sparrow, Spotted and Green-tailed Towhee, Black-billed Magpie, Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Gray Catbird, goldfinches, various warblers (e.g. Yellow, MacGillivray’s, Virginia’s, Orange-Crowned, Yellow-breasted Chat), Golden Eagle, flycatchers and other species in the scrub oak, sage and riparian habitat. Reservoir species could include Western and Clark’s Grebes, various ducks, Osprey, shorebirds and possibly a late-migrating loon. Participants should wear hiking boots, bring plenty of water, lunch and/or snacks.