• 61 South Main Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Mountains in May

Join us for a day exploring the Wasatch Mountains and the incredible birds that inhabit the west fringe of the Rocky Mountains. Visit Pitta Tours to register.


Join us for a day exploring the Wasatch Mountains and the incredible birds that inhabit the west fringe of the Rocky Mountains. This tour will take us to a variety of montane locations and habitats to show not only the incredible variety of birds these mountains call home, but also the diversity in habitats from 4,500' in the foothills to over 10,000' at the tree line. Depending on snow pack conditions, and recent scouting trips, the actual itinerary for the day will be determined by the guide in the days leading up the event. Birding in mixed-oak woodlands, along montane riparian corridors, working our way to mid-elevations, and eventually mixed aspen and pine forests, each unique ecosystem has a variety of birds tied to the habitats and in many cases elevations.

Visit Pitta Tours at pittatours.com for additional details and to register for this trip.


Trip #
Start & End Time
6:00 am - 4:00 pm
Meeting Location
Pitta Tours
Quinn Diaz
Available Spots
Activity Level
Good For
Intermediate, Advanced

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