• 1422 East 600 North
  • Main : (801) 444-2200
  • M-F 10am to 6pm


Provide great service to residents and compassionate care to animals, working tirelessly to support public safety


Find homes for homeless animals and educate the community about responsible pet ownership


Davis County residents and their pets are our highest priority. We are proud to be a Socially Conscious Animal Welfare Organization™

We are a leading adoption organization

We are a collaborative organization

We are a no-suffering organization

We are a preventative animal care facility

Animal Care of Davis County is excited to place the citizens of our community and their pets as the highest priority by becoming a Socially Conscious Animal Welfare Organization™.

We look forward to promoting Socially Conscious Animal Sheltering, one of the main facets of the Socially Conscious Animal Community Model, in our practices at our shelter and in the field.


We are a leading adoption organization.

Thanks to our compassionate community, Animal Care of Davis County has achieved one of the highest placement rates for homeless pets in the country. In fiscal year 2019 alone, 4,271 pets were adopted, return-to-field with TNR, reunited, or transferred to placement partners.

We are a pre-emptive care organization.

We have no set time limit for how long a pet can remain in our care. We use veterinary services, behavior programs, foster programs, special adoption programs, transfer programs and placement partners to give as many pets as possible a second chance at a happy life in a new home.

We are a no-suffering organization.

We strive to do the right thing for every animal in our care, always keeping in mind the needs of the animal and their quality of life. In some cases, relieving an animal’s suffering may lead to euthanasia. At no time do we take the ending of a pet’s life lightly. Our staff devotes itself, just as a loving owner or veterinarian would, to treating each pet as a unique living being that deserves respect, care, and love. We do not euthanize healthy animals, nor do we use euthanasia as a form of population control. As long as an animal is not suffering, we will give it the time it takes to find a new, loving home.

We are a preventative organization.

We know that to reduce the number of homeless pets entering our doors, we must focus on preventative measures. In our shelter, we microchip and spay/neuter the animals in our care and those that qualify as community cats. In the community, we offer vaccination services to pets in Davis County, and work in conjunction with law enforcement to stop cruelty, neglect, and mistreatment of animals and educate pet owners on responsible pet ownership.

We are a collaborative organization.

To better reach and impact our community, Animal Care of Davis County is proud to partner with private shelters, rescue groups, and other animal service providers committed to saving pets, fostering responsible pet ownership, and promoting regular veterinary care. By working together, we're able to place as many animals as possible into loving homes within the community.


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Socially Conscious Animal Community


Community Infographic

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Law Enforcement Infographic

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Media Infographic

pdf - 86KB

Public Policy Infographic

pdf - 101KB

Rescues Infographic

pdf - 66KB

Veterinarian Infographic

pdf - 83KB

You Infographic

pdf - 107KB

Proud Partnerships

Angel Paws

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