• 22 S. State St. Clearfield, UT 84015
  • Main : (801) 525-5000
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program (VRRAP)

The Vehicle Repair and Replacement Program (VRRAP) provides financial assistance toward the repair or replacement of vehicles that are unable to meet current emissions standards.  This financial assistance is made possible through an EPA Targeted Airshed Grant and through the Davis County Health Department.

It has been determined that vehicles produce approximately 50% of the air pollution along the Wasatch Front. A vehicle that has failed an emissions test may emit over 100x more air pollution than a vehicle that is operating properly. The funding will allow for the repair of these failing vehicles instead of allowing these vehicles to be issued a waiver. 

Newer vehicles are much lower emitters than older models. Residents along the Wasatch Front tend to hold on to their vehicles longer than other areas in the country. It is estimated that 26% of the area's fleet is model year 2003 or older. The replacement component of the VRRAP will encourage the retirement of older vehicles sooner than previously planned.

VRRAP Applications and Resources



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VRRAP Information


Applying for the VRRAP

To apply for assistance submit a completed VRRAP Application to the Davis County Environmental Health Services Division.

Income Qualifications for Financial Assistance

Financial assistance can be awarded to individuals with household incomes that are less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). See Table 1.

Table 1: 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Each additional dependent+$10,760+$13,450+$16,140

*Each household member counts as a dependent. For example, a household with a husband, wife, and child has 3 (three) dependents.

Eligibility for financial assistance is typically based on the Adjusted Gross Income reported on the most recent Federal Income Tax form. However, eligibility may also be determined through other means such as a W-2, paystubs, disability statements, alimony, and child support court orders.

Financial Assistance Available Toward Repairs

Financial assistance for emissions related repairs may cover the entire repair for those who qualify, but maximum assistance towards emission-related repairs is capped at $1,000. This means that if a repair costs $1,500 an individual who qualifies for 100% assistance will still be responsible to pay the remaining $500. Also, please be aware that if the repair costs less than the amount qualified for, the remaining balance on the voucher is not refunded to the individual. See Table 2 for more information.

Table 2: Repair Sliding Scale Assistance Guide
Household Income (FPG) Repair Assistance Maximum Amount
200% and below 100% $1,000
201% - 250% 75% $750
251% - 300% 50% $500


Vehicle Repair Qualifications

In order to qualify for financial assistance toward an emissions-related repair of the vehicle, the vehicle must:

  • Have failed an emissions test
  • Show no evidence of tampering with the emission control systems
  • Be registered in Davis County or be regularly operated in Davis County
  • Have been registered in Utah within the last 12 months preceding the application
  • Be registered under the vehicle owner's name

The financial assistance offered for repairs through the Targeted Airshed Grant is only available for cars 2004 and newer. However, the additional funds available through UCAIR allow the Department to approve the emission-related repairs of some older vehicles.

Approved Repair Stations

Only emissions related repairs made by stations that have been approved by the Davis County Health Department are eligible for financial assistance. In order to be approved by the department,  a station must first be permitted as an I/M station in Davis County.

For a list of approved VRRAP repair stations in Davis County, click here.

Financial Assistance Available Toward Replacement

The financial assistance available to those who qualify to replace their car is based on household income and the type of car purchased. The cleaner the emissions of the vehicle being purchased, as designated by the vehicle’s Tier and Bin number, the greater the funding available to the applicant. See Table 3 for more information.

Table 3: Replacement Sliding Scale Assistance Guide
Household Income (FPG) Tier 3 Bin 160 – Tier 3 Bin 50 Equivalent Tier 3 Bin 30 Equivalent Zero Emissions Vehicle (Tier 3 Bin 0)
200% and below $5,500 $6,875$7,560
201% - 250% $4,815$6,190$6,875
251% - 300% $4,125$5,500 $6,190


Vehicle Replacement Qualifications

In order to qualify for financial assistance toward the replacement of the vehicle, the vehicle must:

  • Be a model year 2003 or older vehicle (OR 2004 and newer Tier 2 Bin 5 or higher if replacing with Tier 3 Bin 30 or cleaner)
  • Have failed an emissions test within 30 days of application
  • Be registered in or regularly operated in Davis County
  • Have been registered in Utah within the last 12 months preceding the application
  • Be driven under its own power to a participating VRRAP dealership
    • For a list of participating VRRAP dealerships,  click here.

The vehicle being purchased with financial assistance must:

  • Be a Federal Tier 3 Bin 160 or cleaner vehicle of the current model year or the previous six (6) model years (For example, during model year 2023, the vehicle purchased must be a model year 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, or 2017.)
  • Have an odometer reading of less than 110,000 miles
  • Cost no more than $48,125 before tax, title, and licensing

Financial Assistance Vouchers

The financial assistance is provided in voucher form. In order to obtain a voucher you must first  submit the following to the Davis County Health Department:

  • A completed VRRAP Application
  • Applicable documentation of a failed emissions test
  • Your most recent Federal Income Tax forms or other approved financial documentation

The department will  review the application and associated documents and issue an assistance voucher for your use at  either a participating repair station or participating dealership.